
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Vector art.

 Hello today I am going to tell you about my are that I have greated baby hoda I think it is so bad but if I showed my mum she will be like it is so good but I think it is ok. one of my friends think it is bad but I don't care. Here it is

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Summer learning jurny day 2

 Hello today I am going to tell you about Summer leaning jenny day 2. So I picked to put the colors on a rocket I got creative and I put the smoke as green and then the rest of the rocket the same colors. I think it look's so good Ill show you the picture of it.

I hope you have A good Crismas. Good bye.

Friday, December 3, 2021


Hello today I am going to tell you about EOTC. So on the first day we did adrenaline Forest and that was ok.  Then the next day we did Mega Air, that was my second favourite one.  Then next and on the same day we did Top Team. The the next day we did Phat skate, that was OK. I kind of have a big bruise on my leg.  Then we had The Amazing Race that made me tired and sore, that night I had a good sleep. After that on the last day this one was my favourite, it was surfing. That was fun. We hit some big waves then stood up. We did it at Sumner beach. Me and my friend, Lewis, went out and did some good waves and stood up.


                                                    Here is a photo of me and my friend. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, October 22, 2021

My Holiday's.


Today I am going to tell you about my Holiday's. 

So on the first week of the holiday I had a lot of fun because on the first week I got to stay at my cousins house, he lives in Sefton. I love Sefton.  Then I went on my motorbike. We went through mud, we had a lot of fun. Then I went home. 

The next day I went to a pump track on my scooter. That was very fun as well. All of the other days I just rested and watched YouTube. 

Thank you for reading it bye.

Friday, October 1, 2021

High Jump.


Today I am going to tell you about me jumping a metre. We had athletics practice again yesterday. First we had to line up and then we had go to high jump. The reason we did not do shut put is because we had an assembly first. So that is why we had high jump. 

So first we had to line up but I am actually a left handed so I had to go on the left handed side. We practiced jumping properly at some lower heights.  Then at the end of the high jump Maddock and I jumped a metre. I was very exited.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Athletic practice.


Today I am going to tell you about Athletic practice.  I think it was this week when we first did Long jump. Long jump is when you have a sand pit or you have saw dust pit. You have to get a run up and then you jump. But there is a twist. You have to jump but you kind of lean forward and have to put your arms and feet forward. 

Second we did discus. That is when you have a circle disc. When it is your turn you have to get the discus. You have to put your whole hand on it and then do three practice swings. After that three you have to let go and see how far it goes. 

Next we went to long distance, that is my second favourite one out of all of these. So first we had to do is line up and then when she say's, "Go!" you go.  I love running.  We had to run next to the class rooms and around the courts.        

Thank you for reading my blog, hope you enjoyed it.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Athletics Practice.

Yesterday we did Athletics practice. First we went out to play and then when the bell went we went inside and we did some silent reading. Then after that we had to go onto our fake grass. Then we moved off to our first events.  

First we did shot put. We were year 6 boys group. I was impressed what some people can do. So you have to get this heavy thing then you put it near your ear then you take 2 steeps and then throw it. 

When we where finished we went to high jump that is my Favourite one.  You get to have a run up and then you can jump over a pole. 

After that we went over to the sprints I was doing really good. So what you do is you pick a team and then when it is you turn you have to whit. And then when the teacher says on your Marks you walk up to the line, and then when the teacher say get set, go then you go. 


Friday, August 13, 2021

My writing.


 Today I am going to tell you about my writing at school. We have to do one every Friday. With the writing we have to copy a slide and then wright a story but we will have a picture and write about that. I like doing writing because I love writing story's Some times it is hard to think what to write but if you look at the picture then we will come up with a idea. Or if you are allowed to have a piece of gum and chew on it then you will work better. At my school we are not allowed to have gum but if you are at home and you are doing writing you can.

 The thing that I hate about writing is that when you write you can get sore finger's

Here is my writing and the picture I hope you liked this story.

100 word count.

 Hello Today I am going to talk to you about my 100 word count. Every week we get a new prompt. My story was about a dog. This weeks prompt was 'explosive'. In this story I nearly lost my dog. It took me a really long time to write this story. Sorry it kind of hard to read. Thank you for reading my blog post.



Hello today I am going to talk to you about my Cloze. Our teacher gave as work to do like spelling ,100 word count. Spelling is a kind of challenge. 100 word count is where there is a prompt you have to try put that prompt in your story. The story also has to be exactly 100 words.

Our teacher gave a cloze about grandparents' day. There will be words on the left. She put gaps in the story so you can try to fill them with the words on the side. Thank you for reading my blog post.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Zones Rugby.

Yesterday we did Zones rugby for my school. We had to play 6 games. But they were only 10 minutes each game. When It was half-time we just switched sides and played the game. I was really tired after  all of the games but we won the tournament and now will go to the centrals tournament. We got so exited. The thing that I love about it is that we get another day off school. I don't know how many games we played and minutes. When we go to centrals we well get 2 players get from the soccer team. Their names are Marvin and Amorangi.  Marvin plays ripper rugby with us but then he played soccer at the tournament. Here is a picture below.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Winter leaning journey.

 Hello today we started the winter leaning journey. There was this game where you can learn different countries and you have to go to find a person in the whole world.  It looks really cool. You get to pick which country you want to go to and some times it says the person was here but she went some were else. There will be a picture below.

Paper mache.

Hello not long ago we did paper mache and this morning we had to go to the gym and we had to  talk about our bird. Me and Oakley were buddys.  First we had to go to are teacher and she will have wire and she helped shape it as are bird. We did a kakapo and then we put newspaper on it. Then we put white paper on it. After that we painted it. Here is a picture.

Friday, June 25, 2021


 Yesterday we went to this room Were there was the Warriors they are a good team. So first they did some questions and we had to answer them they said something like how much water do they drink and I answered that. I said 2 litres and I was right and I got a swimming bag that had the Warriors name on it. And the other thing's you could get was a drink bottle, laces I was wanting the drink bottle they looked so cool. 

At the end they said if you play league or rugby you get to go and do some drills with them. But I did not do  any of them.  Then are teacher said, "And if you do league on Friday for the school you can go."   Me and my friend do that, his name is Lewis. So first we did warm up and then we did a game of bull rush but playing it like ripper so basically the same but with the rip tags. I made it first try. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Kauri Snail

 Hello bloggers

 Today I am going to talk about Kauri  snail. Our teacher made us make a slide and we had to do at least 5 facts and them. I decorated it with pictures and then with the words. I put them in different colours. I tried to make it bright colours but they did not have many bright colours.  This for our topic where we were looking at invertebrates in the forests.

Friday, May 28, 2021

How to make you popcorn.

 Hi today I am going to talk about how to make a amazing popcorn so first are teacher told us to do rules    so first I had to do popcorn kernels and then I did popcorn machine and then I put Popcorn kernels and then I put butter. And then of course the bowl to put the popcorn in and then the rest will be there.

  1. Get you popcorn.

  2. Get your bowl.

  3. Get your popcorn kernels.

  4. Get your butter.

  5. But the butter on the scop

  6. Plug the popcorn machine into the wall.

  7. Put the lid on and the scope on top.

Friday, May 14, 2021

How to make a Hot chocolate.

 Hello today I am going to talk about. How to make a hot chocolate. So Miss Scott made as make a list of saying all the Ingredients to make a hot chocolate and the steps we had to do. There will be the instructions down below. So if you want to make a hot chocolate follow the instructions below. There is also a picture of me with the hot chocolate I made.







Step 1: get the cocoa and put it in the mug.

Step 2 and 2 to 3 teaspoons of sugar.

Step 3: Put the milk in the cup.

Step 4 then you will need to boil the jug.

Step 6.put harf the water in the mug

Step 7 micks the milk.

Step 8: put marshmallows in the hot chocolate.Step 9: Enjoy the hot chocolate.

Friday, April 16, 2021


 Hello today I am going to talk about are league. When we got there I got quite scared but when we were on the field I was fine. 

So first we had to go in the gym and the teachers told us what we would do. When we were in the gym and we were waiting  we went outside and played a game of touch. It was so fun when we were ready to go. I went with my friend cold Marvin. He had a van it was quite cool. When we were going there it was harfd to find a park so we could go to the field. 

I saw my mum at the park when we got to the field we vs Te Waka Unua. We lost to them.  We won 2 games and then we made it to the finals.  We lost our semi final and were in the play offs for 3rd and 4th. We bet them it was so so fun. So now we are the 3rd best school league team in Canterbury. 

One more thing we had to go in a big circle and there was be a player of the day.  Our team's player of the day was Kaeden.

Friday, April 9, 2021


 Hello today I am going to talk about Easter. On the big weekend we went to my Nana's  and my uncle was there. We did an Easter egg hunt, it was so fun. I think I found at least 18 eggs. My brother thought he had more than me but he did not, we had the same. Not long ago he ate four when we were not there. I was out on the tramp and my dad and mum were outside. When we found out we got very mad with him. He had to go to bed very early about that night. On Easter that night I got to watch a movie with my mum and dad, I loved it. It was an Easter move I forgot the name but it was an amazing movie. The next day I was eating so many of the Easter eggs.    

Friday, March 19, 2021

Football Festiball

Today I am going to talk about Amazing Football.

First we lined and I was in group 8. I was not with my friends, but my other friends were together. I had a quite good team.  I got every goal in my team in the games  I got 2 goals in one game. 

When we were worming up we play turtle tag and knee tag. They were fun to play.  When we were playing knee tag if you tagged someone's knee you get a point.  

Then we played mini games. There were 4 fields. We played on every one and we vs every team. After we finished I was so, so swetey and hot. 


Friday, March 5, 2021

Buddy class.

 Today I am going to talk about buddy class. 

In buddy class we are having a page about what I like and what he likes. By the way my buddy is could Hunter. I think he is really cool he is good  at writing his name I think it is quite good, he is funny. 

I  think the activity was fun. We were doing the front page. We had to write what our favourite animal was. We both put down dog.

 There is a picture below.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Touch Game.

On Monday we do touch. We won. It was 3-2. It was such a good game. I loved it, it was the first game. My legs were so sore after. The team that we vs the amigos. There will be a picture below.

Next Monday  I am going to my friends house, he is Lewis, he is in my team..  He is going to take me to touch.  

Friday, February 19, 2021

Buddy Class.

 Hi today I am going to talk about buddy class. My new buddy is could Hunter. He is my new buddy for the year I think he is cool and fun. The first thing we did is we went to the dinosaurs. And then after that we went to play with these marble things they were like blocks. We made a massive tower with the blocks, it was gigantic.