
Friday, August 6, 2021

Zones Rugby.

Yesterday we did Zones rugby for my school. We had to play 6 games. But they were only 10 minutes each game. When It was half-time we just switched sides and played the game. I was really tired after  all of the games but we won the tournament and now will go to the centrals tournament. We got so exited. The thing that I love about it is that we get another day off school. I don't know how many games we played and minutes. When we go to centrals we well get 2 players get from the soccer team. Their names are Marvin and Amorangi.  Marvin plays ripper rugby with us but then he played soccer at the tournament. Here is a picture below.


  1. Thank you for representing HPS Riley.It sounds like you had a great time,even if it did mean you got a day off school.I like that reason!.Maybe I could join a sport at school:)

  2. Hello Riley, It's me Love I really enjoyed reading your game. Maybe you could tell me which teams you were versing. I'd really like to know, who is in your team?

  3. Hello Riley
    This was such a fun day for all teams invovled. I didn't get to see any of your games as I was with the netball team. You guys did so well to make it through to centrals, well done. Do you play a sport in the weekends? If so, what is it?
    I look forward to hearing back from you.


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