
Friday, August 13, 2021

My writing.


 Today I am going to tell you about my writing at school. We have to do one every Friday. With the writing we have to copy a slide and then wright a story but we will have a picture and write about that. I like doing writing because I love writing story's Some times it is hard to think what to write but if you look at the picture then we will come up with a idea. Or if you are allowed to have a piece of gum and chew on it then you will work better. At my school we are not allowed to have gum but if you are at home and you are doing writing you can.

 The thing that I hate about writing is that when you write you can get sore finger's

Here is my writing and the picture I hope you liked this story.

100 word count.

 Hello Today I am going to talk to you about my 100 word count. Every week we get a new prompt. My story was about a dog. This weeks prompt was 'explosive'. In this story I nearly lost my dog. It took me a really long time to write this story. Sorry it kind of hard to read. Thank you for reading my blog post.



Hello today I am going to talk to you about my Cloze. Our teacher gave as work to do like spelling ,100 word count. Spelling is a kind of challenge. 100 word count is where there is a prompt you have to try put that prompt in your story. The story also has to be exactly 100 words.

Our teacher gave a cloze about grandparents' day. There will be words on the left. She put gaps in the story so you can try to fill them with the words on the side. Thank you for reading my blog post.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Zones Rugby.

Yesterday we did Zones rugby for my school. We had to play 6 games. But they were only 10 minutes each game. When It was half-time we just switched sides and played the game. I was really tired after  all of the games but we won the tournament and now will go to the centrals tournament. We got so exited. The thing that I love about it is that we get another day off school. I don't know how many games we played and minutes. When we go to centrals we well get 2 players get from the soccer team. Their names are Marvin and Amorangi.  Marvin plays ripper rugby with us but then he played soccer at the tournament. Here is a picture below.